Primesat PR3600B heavy duty DISEqC Motor.
Metal gears. Thicker materials. External backlash adjuster. 2 button control. Extra cover.
Heavy duty DISEqC motor - Metal gears and a thicker metal bracket (compared with other popular brands) means this motor can
be used with larger dishes and in more exposed locations. However, due to the design of any DISEqC motor of any make, whilst
they can be used on dishes up to 1.0 or 1.1m we would recommend even heavier 36 volt motors (see below) to be used on larger
dishes. This is because all DISEqC motors run on the LNB current at about 0.3A and at 18V. 36V motors run on about 3.0A.
Two set-up buttons. Many popular motors use one button. You press it once to make the dish go left (or east) and you press it
twice to make the dish go right (or west). This can be confusing. This motor uses two buttons and has an LED indicator light next
to each button. Press the right button and the dish goes right and the right LED comes on. Press the left button and the dish
moves left with the left LED on. It is really easy to set up this motor. Also note the easy access connections. See below.
Connections and set-up buttons are at the bottom. The aim is to make this motor as easy as possible to set up. Many popular
motors have the connections on the inside face of the motor where access is more difficult. This motor has the connections and
set-up buttons on the bottom of the motor where access is easier. (Also water cannot go uphill to the connections!)
Extra cover. The connections, buttons and LEDs on this motor are complete watertight without an external cover and it could
be supplied without the cover. Indeed in this format it would be the same as other popular motors, however, this motor offers an
extra layer of protection with an external cover as shown in the pictures above. Not only does water not access the connections
due to their position at the bottom of the motor, the external cover adds to the protection for use in hostile environments.
External backlash adjuster. Most popular motors have an internal backlash adjuster but it would be necessary to remove
the motor from the mast, remove the dish, lose all of the settings and strip down the motor. Not with this motor! The
backlash adjuster is adjusted with an external screw. The dish arc settings are not lost. No stripping down. It takes seconds
to adjust. (A backlash adjuster may be needed two or three years after installing the dish to tighten the gearing).
Reliability. For good reliability there is one feature to be avoided. This motor does not have a digital LED readout for two reasons.
Over years of experience, returns data and feedback from customers we have found a motor with and LED display can be over 50
times less reliable. The reason is simple, there is more to go wrong. The second reason is also simple, to set up a motor it is
not needed. It could be argued "it looks better with an LED readout". Unless you sit in the garden admiring your motor, the
only time you would see the display is when you first set the motor up! With this motor we have put "reliability" first.
This heavy duty motor has the best features for easy set up and long term reliability.
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